Boiled Beef

Rating: 3.8333 / 5.00 (24 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Fry the unpeeled onion in a frying pan without fat until dark brown on the cut surfaces. Marrow bones and meat (fat cover and narrow skin cover should be kept) rinse warm, drain. Bring about 3 l of water to boil, add meat and simmer gently. Constantly skim off rising foam and turbidity. Add peppercorns, onion halves and lovage, about half an hour before the end of cooking add root vegetables and leek. Remove meat from soup, drain, season with salt. Add marrow bone slices and simmer for another 5 minutes. Cut the meat against the grain into finger-thick slices, cut the root vegetables into slices and boil them in a suitable bowl with a part of the soup, the marrow bones, the root vegetables and leek, sprinkle with chives. The inside of the marrow bones is removed at the table and served on toasted brown bread.

Cooking time: boiled beef 3 hours, remaining pieces 2 1/2 hours, bat 1 1/2 hours Recommended side dishes: toasted brown bread for the marrow slices, apple or possibly bread horseradish, Roesterdaepfel, vegetables, Frankfurt-style chive sauce (creamed spinach, boiled salad with cabbage, dill green beans, peas, creamed potatoes) Tip: Never leave the meat dry when hot.

Tip: As an alternative to fresh chives, you can also use the freeze-dried.

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