
Rating: 3.625 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 50.0 (servings)



A great cake recipe for any occasion:

Chop candied orange peel, candied lemon peel and cherries. Place in a frying pan with butter, flaked almonds, sugar, honey and heavy cream. Slit the vanilla pod lengthwise and add. Let everything boil, then simmer gently for three minutes on a low heat.

Remove the pan from the stove, sift the flour over it and mix well. Cool.

Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Using a teaspoon, scoop out small mounds and place them on the parchment paper, spacing them far enough apart – the florentines will melt as they bake! – Place on the parchment paper.

Press lightly.

Place the florentines on the middle shelf of the oven heated to 220 °C and bake for about four minutes until they are light brown around the edges. Take them out and lightly push them together on the spot with a smooth round cookie cutter. You have to work quickly while the Guetzli are still very hot! Cool the florentines.

Allow the glaze to melt and brush it on the back of the florentines. Dry on a cooling rack with the chocolate side up.

Florentine trick: The florentines run apart quite a bit during baking. Therefore, bake only 7-8 florentines at a time. So that they keep nevertheless a beautiful form, they are pushed together on the place after baking as hotly as possible with a round cookie cutter repeatedly evenly round. Important: Possible

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